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Dear Parents/Carers

May I, on behalf of Roe Green Juniors, welcome you and your family to the school. We hope that this will be the beginning of a happy and successful relationship where your child will develop the skills and attributes which will prepare them for a successful and fulfilling future.

We hope that you will become involved in the life of the school, as we believe that a true partnership enables us to offer the children a better education. We have many events and performances throughout the year which parents are welcome to attend.

I am always happy to see you if you have any worries. I can be seen by appointment (please telephone first). If there is an urgent matter to discuss, I am usually available before school in the morning or after 3.45pm.

We hope your child will look back on his or her time at Roe Green with joy and pride and that they will be confident to face the challenges of the future.

Best Wishes

Melissa Loosemore


Our website contains a wide variety of information and documents, if you would like a paper copy of any of these please contact the school office.

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